Hiking the Short Sand Beach Trail on the Oregon Coast

Distance: 1.4 miles / 2.3 km

The Short Sand Beach Trail in Oswald West State Park is one of the best kid-friendly trails on the Oregon Coast, as the trail down to the beach is quick and easy—not to mention, Short Sand Beach makes for a great place to hang out and watch the sunset!

In addition to this, Short Sand Beach is located just 10 miles (16.1 km) south of the much more popular Cannon Beach, which is why I recommend making the drive down to Oswald West if you're looking for a much quieter, more secluded place to explore the Oregon Coast!

Short Sand Beach Trailhead Parking

Parking for the Short Sand Beach Trail is located in large paved parking lot just south on Highway 101 from the Cape Falcon Trailhead.

Google Maps Directions: Short Sand Beach Trailhead

Short Sand Beach Trailhead Parking

Short Sand Beach Trailhead Parking


Hiking Checklist - Oregon Coast

Black bears can be found up and down the Oregon Coast, but hiking with or without bear spray is truly up to your own discretion and comfort level when adventuring in black bear territory.

Furthermore, here is a complete list of must-have things that you will want for any hike on the Oregon Coast.

Hiking the Short Sand Beach Trail

The trail to Short Sand Beach begins on a path that passes under the Oregon Coast Highway, taking away the need to cross the busy road.

This is another great reason why I believe the Short Sand Beach Trail is a great hike for kids.

Short Sand Beach Trailhead

Short Sand Beach Trailhead

Short Sand Beach Trail

Short Sand Beach-Old Growth Forest Junction

At the first split, go right to stay on the Short Sand Beach Trail.

Go Right

Go Right

Short Sand Beach Trail

Short Sand Beach-Sitka Spruce Junction

Then, at the second split, go right again to reach the beach just a short distance ahead.

Go Right

Go Right

Short Sand Beach Trail

Just before the beach, the trail will arrive at a beautiful picnic area, and the connector trail for Cape Falcon, located only 0.25 miles (0.4 km) up the hill.

The Cape Falcon Trail is one of the best hikes in the area, as it leads out to a number of dramatic cliffs that drop off steeply along the Oregon Coast.

Read My Separate Post: Cape Falcon Trail

Short Sand Beach

Short Sand Beach

Short Sand Beach

Short Sand Beach is a popular beach among surfers and those looking for a great place to hang out and run around with your dogs.

If you’re in the area on a clear night, I highly recommend heading down for a beautiful sunset on the coast.

Short Sand Beach

Pacific Poison-oak - (Toxicodendron diversilobum)



Iʻm a self-taught adventure photographer living on the island of Oʻahu.



Hiking the Cape Falcon Trail on the Oregon Coast


Hiking the Humbug Mountain Loop Trail on the Oregon Coast