Hiking the Double Arch Trail in Arches National Park

Distance: 0.6 miles / 1.0 km

With two separate arches spanning an estimated 112 ft (34 m) at its tallest, the Double Arch is one of the most uniquely beautiful and impressive arches in Arches National Park.

The quick and easy 0.3-mile (0.5 km) Double Arch Trail is a favorite among visitors and locals of all ages, and the towering natural amphitheater within the arches is one of my personal favorite places to hang out—especially on a hot summer day in the park.

Double Arch-Windows Trailhead Parking

Parking for the Double Arch-Windows Trailhead is located at the very end of the 2.5-mile (4.0 km) Windows Road.

The reason why this is called the Double Arch-Windows Trailhead is because both trailheads at the end of Windows Road are two of the most popular and challenging places to find parking in Arches National Park.

However, both trailheads are connected by a small path in the middle, meaning that if you find parking at The Windows Trailhead located before the Double Arch, take it! There may not be parking as you make your way around the one-way loop to the Double Arch Trailhead on the other side.

Google Maps Directions: Double Arch Trailhead

Double Arch Trailhead Parking

Windows Loop Trailhead Parking


Hiking Checklist - Arches

Here is a complete list of must-have things that you will want for any hike in Arches National Park.

Hiking the Double Arch Trail

Beginning from either The Windows or Double Arch Trailhead, the Double Arch Trail is one of the easiest hikes in Arches National Park.

By this, I mean that outside of the scrambling within the Double Arch, the trail follows a mostly flat and easy hike, suitable for all ages, of all abilities.

Double Arch Trailhead

Double Arch Trail

Double Arch Trail

Double Arch Trail

Double Arch Trail

Double Arch Trail

Double Arch Trail

Double Arch

On most days throughout the year, the Double Arch is one of Arches National Park’s most popular destinations.

I say this to say that the Double Arch is typically one of the busier places to spend some time within the park. However, the Double Arch is truly a must-see, being that it is one of the most unique destinations in Arches National Park!

Double Arch

Double Arch

Double Arch

Double Arch

This steep scramble up to the smaller of the two arches is the most challenging part of the Double Arch Trail.

That being said, the viewpoint within the arch cliffs out on the far side—which I say to emphasize caution—should you choose to climb up.

Double Arch

For photographers, there’s a unique angle to capture both arches within one frame, but it requires a very wide lens (16 mm or wider) and taking the shot from the very back corner of both arches, which is the far left side of the photo below.

Furthermore, sunset, or golden hour just prior, is typically the best time of day for photos, as the soft light on the red rock lights up the Double Arch best at this time of the day.

Double Arch



Iʻm a self-taught adventure photographer living on the island of Oʻahu.



Hiking the Devils Garden Trail in Arches National Park


Hiking the Skyline Arch Trail in Arches National Park